Monday, September 30, 2019

Entity Relationship Diagram Analysis

In this undertaking I have to roll up some entity, so an entity attributes and at last ERD.I think I will larn more about entity, attributes, Entity Relationship Diagram to make this undertaking. Description: Entity An Entity is an object or existent thing such as a tabular array or signifier. An Entity contains some information about himself. In the entity some informations can be stored. Properties Properties means the information or inside informations of an Entity. Attribute may incorporate assorted sorts of value like numeral, Characters, Integer etc. Simply attributes are the belongingss of entity.Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD )An entity-relationship diagram is a information mold diagram and technique. ERD can make a graphical representation of the relationships between entities, the entities, and within an information system. There are three type relationships in the Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) One to One One to Many Many to Many The chief constituents of Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) Entity Properties Relationship CardinalityEntities:Department Capable Area Staff Plan Faculty Student Registration Examination Consequence Coursework Attendance AdvancementEntities with Properties:Department Department_ID ( PK ) Department_Name Department_Details Department_Leader Discipline Subject_Area_ID ( PK ) Subject_Area_Leader Subject_Area_Name Subject_Area_Details Department_ID ( FK ) Employee Employee_ID ( PK ) Employee_Leader Employee_Type Employee_Name Employee_JoiningDate Employee_Address Department_ID ( FK ) Plan Program_ID ( PK ) Program_Leader Program_Name Program_Type Program_Details Subject_Area_ID ( FK ) Registration Registration_ID ( PK ) Registration_Date Registration_Type Registration_cost Faculty Module_ID ( PK ) Module_Name Module_Leader Module_Details Module_Type Student_ID ( FK ) Program_ID ( FK ) Student Student_ID ( PK ) Student_Name Student_Type Student_Details Student_Address Module_ID ( FK ) Registration_ID ( FK ) Examination Exam_ID ( PK ) Exam_Details Exam_Name Exam_Date Exam_Time Student_ID ( FK ) Consequence Result_ID ( PK ) Result_Name Result_Type Result_Details Result_Date Result_time Exam_ID ( FK ) Coursework Coursework_ID ( PK ) Coursework_Name Coursework_Type Coursework_Details Student_ID ( FK ) Attendance Attendance_ID ( PK ) Attendance_Name Attendance_Type Attendance_Details Student_ID ( FK ) Advancement Progress_ID ( PK ) Progress_Type Progress_DetailsEntity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) :Relationship sum-up:In my ERD plot some relation description are given in the below: In the Entity Relationship Diagram I find out the relation between section and capable country is one to many, because one section may hold many capable countries. In the scenario I can see one capable country may hold more plans. In the ERD diagram the relationship between plan and faculty is one to many. Many faculties are under of a plan. Module is used a foreign key of plans. In the ERD diagram the relationship between pupils and faculties are one to many, because one pupil may hold more than one faculty. In the relationship pupil primary key is used as a foreign key in the faculty entity. In the ERD diagram the relationship between pupil and test is one to many. One pupil may take part more tests. In the ERD diagram the relationship between pupil and coursework is one to many. One pupil may take part in the more coursework. In the ERD diagram the relationship between enrollment and pupil is one to many. The enrollment may be registers for more pupils at same clip. In the ERD diagram really I see the one to many dealingss. For this ground I include one to many relationships in the ERD diagram. In the existent life for database one to many relationship is perfect to me.DrumheadIn this undertaking I draw an entity relationship diagram. To pull the diagram I find out some entities and properties of entities. To make this undertaking I besides learn about entities, properties and entity relationship diagram.Task-02Introduction:It is said to normalise in the undertaking 2. For doing a database successfully Normalization must be needed. The activities of a database depend on standardization. Standardization helps to do a database rebelliously. In the undertaking I will seek to normalise for a section system in the organisation. The standardization occurs in some stairss. In the undermentioned stairss are given.Description:StandardizationIn the organisation all activities now depend on the computing machine system. Some corporate organisation need dat abase system for commanding all information. As a consequence database is most popular and indispensable things in the universe. For doing a database successfully standardization is the traditional manner. Without standardization it is impossible to do a database. Standardization is the procedure is used to form the informations absolutely in a database. I normalize the section information for some specific intent. The intent of standardization is divided into two parts. Removing unneeded informations and guaranting informations dependences. If same informations stay in some tabular array together the database may victim. Often it may data in the unrelated tabular array. To work out these jobs we can be done standardization. The intents of standardization are worthy to diminish the sum of infinite a database consumes and guarantee that information is logically stored. The public presentation of database direction system depends on the standardization. Some stairss are indispensable for standardization. The stairss are given briefly in the followers:Gathering informationsGathering informations is the first measure of standardization. When I normalize I will roll up all information in the phase. I will implement all informations of this measure in the following measure.Choosing a keyFor making standardization a key is indispensable. The key is the chief informations for standardization. All informations depend on the key. The key must be one from garnering informations.First Normal Form ( 1NF )Some functions have to follow in the stairss. Repeating informations in the standardization, sometime it may harmful for standardization, so it necessary to take reiterating informations in the standardization. Removing reiterating informations is the chief work in this undertaking.Second Normal Form ( 2NF )Second normal signifier ( 2NF ) is used to different and take same informations in the database. The phase besides provides farther inform ation for taking same informations in the database. The chief activities of the phase: The all informations of first normal signifier must be represented in the phase. Same information in the rows of database tabular array are removed in the phase. The relationship of new tabular array is made in the phase.Third Normal Form ( 3NF )In the 3rd normal signifier some activities are occurred. The undermentioned activities are given in the below: All demands of the 2nd normal signifier are present in the phase. The activities of the phase is removed some columns that are non dependent upon the primary key. The taking informations and information are non depended on the primary key of tabular array. For this ground these columns informations and information are removed.OptimizationOptimization is the last measure of standardization. I will bring forth the whole standardization by bring forthing a standardization diagram. The standardization diagram is symbol of a better database. If standardization tabular array is clear, informations base become clear.Gathering DatasDepartment_ID Department_Name Department_Details Department_Leader Capable Area_ID Capable Area_Leader Capable Area_Name Capable Area_Details employee_ID employee_Leader employee _Type employe _Name employee_JoiningDate Staff_Address Programme_ID Programme_Leader Programme_Name Programme_Type Programme_Details Student_ID Registration_ID Registration_Date Registration_Type Module_ID Module_Name Module_Leader Module_Description Module-Type Student_ID Student_Name Student_Type Student_Description Student_Address Module_ID Registration_ID Exam_ID Exam_Description Exam_Name Exam_Date Exam_Time Result_ID Result_Name Result_Type Result_Description Result_Date Result_time Coursework_ ID Coursework_Name Coursework_Type Coursework_Details Attendance_ID Attendance_Name Attendance_Type Attendance_Details Progress_ID Progress_Type Progress_DetailsChoosing a key:Student_idConverting to 1st Normal Form ( Remove to reiterating informations )Student ( Repeating ) :Department_id Department_name Student_id Student_name Student_email Student_phone Student_address Study_mode Employee_id Employee_name Employee_phone Employee_email Employee_addresses Sexual activity Program_id Program_name Program_time Credit_id Total_course_marks Total_module_marks Total_credit Consequence Module_id Module_name Module_leader Module_yearCapable Area ( Non Repeating ) :Subjectarea_id Subjectarea_name Subjectarea_LeaderConverting to 2nd Normal Form ( Remove parcel cardinal dependance )StudentStudent_id ( pk ) Student name Student electronic mail Studentphone Student reference Study manner Program Idaho ( fk ) Programe name Plan leaderRecognitionRecognition Idaho ( pk ) Student Idaho ( fk ) Entire coursework grade Exam grade Module grade Entire recognition ConsequenceFacultyModule Idaho ( pk Module leader Faculty name Programe Idaho ( fk ) Programe nameEmployeeEmployee Idaho ( pk ) Employee name Employee electronic mail Employee phone Employee reference Sexual activity Depatment Idaho ( fk ) Department nameDepartmentDepartment Idaho ( pk ) Department namePlanProgram Idaho ( pk ) Capable country Idaho ( fk ) Capable country name Programe name Plan leaderCapable countryCapable country Idaho ( pk ) Capable country name Department Idaho ( fk ) Department name Capable country leaderConverting to 3rd Normal Form: ( Remove not cardinal dependence ) :DepartmentDepartment_id ( PK ) Department_nameCapable AreaSubjectarea_id ( PK ) Subjectarea_name Department_id ( FK ) Subjectarea_Leader ( FK )EmployeeEmployee_id ( PK ) Employee_name Employee_phone Employee_email Employee_addresses Sexual activity Department_id ( FK )Student_moduleStudent_id ( PK ) Module_id ( PK )PlanProgram_id ( PK ) Subjetarea_id ( FK ) Program_leader ( FK ) Program_name Program_timeFacultyModule_id ( PK ) Module_name Module_leader ( FK ) Module_year Program_id ( FK )StudentStudent_id ( PK ) Student_name Student_email Student_phone Student_address Study_mode Program_id ( FK )RecognitionCredit_id ( PK ) Student_id ( FK ) Module_id ( FK ) Total_course_marks Total_module_marks Total_credit ConsequenceOptimization:Summary:In the undertaking I normalized for a section. I normalize for keeping database direction system. To make this undertaking I analyzed about standardization. I think I normalized good. Clear standardization helps to do a better database direction system. I learned more about standardization to make this undertaking.Undertaking 3Introduction:The undertaking 3 contains some subjects. Database Management System ( DBMS ) is component of the undertaking. I will make a database by utilizing Database Management System ( DBMS ) . There are some ways to do database. But I will make database in the SQL waiter, because it is easy and flexible to me. To do database I will do some tabular array, each tabular array will incorporate minimal 5 records.Description:Some stairss I followed to make this undertaking. The stairss and demands are given in the below:Database Management System ( DBMS ) :To pull off a database some strong functions are followed. Database directi on system is a sort of environment where all sorts ‘ functions and ordinance are included. A database direction system ( DBMS ) works as a database director. Database Management System ( DBMS ) is computing machine plan or package. The package helps others computing machine users create and entree informations in a database. Anyone can entree the information, where information is located it is non fact, It manages user petitions so that users and other plans are free from holding to understand informations in a multi-user system, on storage media and, who else may besides be accessing the information. Database direction system checks the unity of the database. The DBMS besides manage the hallmark procedure, merely authorized user and authorised web can entree the database. DBMS helps to do a secure database. Database direction system ‘s environment helps to do a good relationship in the database.The activities for this undertaking are following:MY database:Generated Scri pt from â€Å" Generate SQL Server Scripts Wizard † :SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ section ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ section ] ( [ department_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ department_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_department ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ department_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ( [ employee_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ employee_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ employee_email ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ employee_phon ] [ int ] NULL, [ employee_address ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ department_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ sex ] [ nvarchar ] ( 1 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_employee ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ employee_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ( [ subjectarea_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ subjectarea_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ department_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ subjectarea_leader ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_subjectarea ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ subjectarea_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ( [ program_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ subjectarea_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ program_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ program_leader ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ program_time ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_program ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ program_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ( [ module_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ program_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ module_leader ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ module_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ twelvemonth ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_module ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ module_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ( [ student_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ student_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ student_email ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ student_phon ] [ int ] NULL, [ student_address ] [ nvarchar ] ( 100 ) NULL, [ program_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ StudyMode ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_student ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ student_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] ( [ student_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ module_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_student_module ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ student_id ] ASC, [ module_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] ( [ credit_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ student_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ module_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ total_coursework_marks ] [ int ] NULL, [ exam_marks ] [ int ] NULL, [ total_module_marks ] [ int ] NULL, [ total_credits ] [ int ] NULL, [ consequence ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_credit ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ credit_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_employee_department ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ employee ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_employee_department ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ department_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ section ] ( [ department_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_subjectarea_department ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_subjectarea_department ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ department_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ section ] ( [ department_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_subjectarea_employee ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_subjectarea_employee ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ subjectarea_leader ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ( [ employee_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_program_employee ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ plan ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_program_employee ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ program_leader ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ( [ employee_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_program_subjectarea ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ plan ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_program_subjectarea ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ subjectarea_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ( [ subjectarea_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_module_employee ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_module_employee ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ module_leader ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ( [ employee_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_module_program ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_module_program ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ program_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ( [ program_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_student_program ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_student_program ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ program_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ( [ program_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_student_module_module ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_student_module_module ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ module_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ( [ module_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_student_module_student ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_student_module_student ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ student_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ( [ student_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_credit_module ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_credit_module ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ module_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ( [ module_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_credit_student ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_credit_student ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ student_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ( [ student_id ] )Summary:I used SQL waiter for doing database. I draw the diagram by utilizing normalized diagram. Some tabular arraies I created to bring forth the diagram of database. I included all table mean five records. To make the undertaking absolutely I show all tabular arraies screen shot with records.Undertaking 4IntroductionThe chief activities are said in the undertaking. In the undertaking I will quire of my database. Now in the undertaking I will seek to implement. I will verify the operation of database. I will quire of the database harmonizing the outlook of the undertaking. I will follow the activities harmonizing the undertaking.Description:In the undertaking I have to make questions for find out some demands these are said to make in the undertaking. In the undermentioned these activities are given in the below:1.Name callings of all the Subject Area Leaders ( SALs )Querie:SELECT dbo.subjectarea.subjectarea_leader, dbo.employee.empl oyee_name, dbo.subjectarea.subjectarea_name FROM dbo.employee INNER JOIN dbo.subjectarea ON dbo.employee.employee_id = dbo.subjectarea.subjectarea_leaderEnd product:PLs along with the name ( s ) of the capable countryQuerie:SELECT dbo.program.program_leader, dbo.employee.employee_id, dbo.program.program_name FROM dbo.employee INNER JOIN dbo.program ON dbo.employee.employee_id = dbo.program.program_leaderEnd product:MLs along with the name ( s ) of the capable countrySELECT dbo.module.module_leader, dbo.employee.employee_name, dbo.module.module_name FROM dbo.employee INNER JOIN dbo.module ON dbo.employee.employee_id = dbo.module.module_leader2. Expose the undermentioned information for the â€Å" Artificial Intelligence † capable country:a ) The list of plans that belong to that capable country ;Querie:SELECT program_name FROM dbo.program WHERE ( subjectarea_id = ‘sa-03 ‘ )End product:B ) The list of faculties that belong to these plans ;Querie:SELECT dbo.program.program_id, dbo.module.module_name FROM dbo.program INNER JOIN dbo.module ON dbo.program.program_id = dbo.module.program_id WHERE ( dbo.program.subjectarea_id = ‘sa-03 ‘ )degree Celsius ) The list of pupils who have awarded a Pass for one of the facultiesQuerie:SELECT DISTINCT C.student_id, student.student_name, C.module_id, module.module_name, C.result FROM recognition AS C INNER JOIN faculty ON C.module_id = module.module_id INNER JOIN pupil ON C.student_id = student.student_id INNER JOIN plan ON module.program_id = program.program_id AND student.program_id = program.program_id INNER JOIN subjectarea ON program.subjectarea_id = subjectarea.subjectarea_id WHERE ( C.result = ‘pass ‘ ) AND ( subjectarea.subjectarea_id = ‘sa-03 ‘ )End product:3. Expose the name of all the pupils who belong to one plan – you can take which plan – of the â€Å" Database † capable country, along with the undermentioned information:a ) Their twelvemonth of survey ;Querie:SELECT DISTINCT dbo.student.student_id, dbo.student.student_name, dbo.program.program_id, dbo.program.program_name, dbo.module.year FROM dbo.student INNER JOIN dbo.program ON dbo.student.program_id = dbo.program.program_id INNER JOIN dbo.module ON dbo.program.program_id = dbo.module.program_id INNER JOIN dbo.student_module ON dbo.student.student_id = dbo.student_module.student_id AND dbo.module.module_id = dbo.student_module.module_id WHERE ( dbo.program.subjectarea_id = ‘sa-01 ‘ )End product:B ) The faculties they study ;Querie:SELECT DISTINCT dbo.student.student_id, dbo.student.student_name, dbo.module.module_name, dbo.student_module.module_id, dbo.student.program_id, dbo.program.program_name FROM dbo.student INNER JOIN dbo.program ON dbo.student.program_id = dbo.program.program_id INNER JOIN dbo.module ON dbo.program.program_id = dbo.module.program_id INNER JOIN dbo.student_module ON dbo.student.student_id = dbo.student_module.student_id AND dbo.module.module_id = dbo.student_module.module_id WHERE ( dbo.program.subjectarea_id = ‘sa-01 ‘ )End product:degree Celsiuss ) Their test and coursework Markss for these facultiesQuerie:SELECT, dbo.student.student_name,, dbo.module.module_name,,, dbo.student.program_id FROM INNER JOIN dbo.module ON = dbo.module.module_id INNER JOIN dbo.student ON = dbo.student.student_id INNER JOIN dbo.program ON dbo.module.program_id = dbo.program.program_id AND dbo.student.program_id = dbo.program.program_id where program.subjectarea_id='sa-01 ‘End product:Summary:Some quires are done in the undertaking harmonizing the functions of assignment. I finished the undertaking really carefully. As a proven I show some screen shooting of quires. I besides show SQL quires in the assignment.Undertaking 5Introduction:There are five undertakings in the assignment. Each undertaking is made for a specific and different subject. Such a undertaking is task 5. In the undertaking 5 I will seek to stand for a study for whole assignment. The study will incorporate the description of my system design for a section of an organisation. In this study I will besides include the inside informations information about undertaking one to five.DescriptionIn the phase I will seek to give a solution for this study.TitleReport no- Database Design and Development Recipient- Mrs Jesmin Aktar Author- Shanta MariaIntroduction of my premise:The rubric of the assignment is College Database Development. The college needs a computerized system for keeping the activities of a section. To keeping the section activities the college needs an ideal database direction system. To complete these activities of this assignment I mentioned each subject for the assignment in the separately. I think I learned more things as pupil, to make this assignment. After completing each undertaking right I will bring forth a study for discover my accomplishment on my analysis, design and thought accomplishment.Overview of whole assignment:The sum-up of the whole assignment, I want to bring forth a study. The study is given at the below:Undertaking 1EntityAn Entity is a existent thing such as a tabular array or signifier. An Entity contains some information about himself. The information of entity can assist for designation of entity.PropertiesAttributes refers the inside informations information of an Entity. There are many types are fixed for property. These values are like numeral, Characters, Integer etc. Properties are the chief belongings of entities.Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD )An entity-relationship diagram is a diagram for informations patterning. Entity relationship diagram ensures the relationships between entities, the entities, and within an information system. Entity relationship diagram makes a database good understand. There are three type relationships in the Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) One to One One to Many Many to Many The chief constituents of Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) Entity Properties Relationship CardinalityUndertaking 2StandardizationSome corporate organisation need database system for commanding all information. To command information of organisation database must be needed. As a consequence database is most popular and indispensable things in the universe. Without standardization it is impossible to do a database. Standardization is the procedure is used to form the informations absolutely in a database. I normalize the section information for some specific intent. The intents of standardization are worthy to diminish the sum of infinite a database consumes and guarantee that information is logically stored. The public presentation of database direction system depends on the standardization. Some stairss are indispensable for standardization. In the assignment I followed some stairss for standardization. The stairss are given in the below: Gathering informations Choosing a key First Normal Form ( 1NF ) Second Normal Form ( 2NF ) Third Normal Form ( 3NF ) OptimizationUndertaking 3I used SQL waiter to do database in this undertaking. Making database was the function of the undertaking. As a consequence I designed a diagram and a database in the undertaking.Undertaking 4The undertaking holds information for SQL quires. Harmonizing the undertaking some quires are made to use in the database. To make SQL quires in the undertaking I learned more things about SQL bid and other secure information of SQL waiter.Footings of mention:The scope for investigated system is extended. All the inside informations about the system hold given. The current system and the new system image are clear in the scenario. Anyone can see and compare the scenario. The study focuses on the section of an organisation. The study is bring forthing with a inside informations description and information of the complete system analysis and design portion for the section of an organisation.Procedures and methods:In my assignment I used some techniques. I have investigated all the process in many ways. In the assignment I followed the operation and practically system of college and others pull offing activities. The chief process and method of the assignment is to settle the current system jobs and besides to present an ideal database system of the academy theatre for keeping the section procedure. In this assignment I used entity relationship diagram and other demands and processs.Recommendation:Harmonizing the users demands and after probe the system, I could happen out some jobs and some other job in the college development diagram. The keeping system of the college development diagram was really hard to pull off. To work out the jobs I provide the new IT system. I will seek and bring forth the really easy manner to pull off the college development diagram for keeping procedure or systems in the new database system of College Database Development. Requirement hardware: To set up the procedure some hardware and package are really indispensable. The name or hardware demands are given in the followers: Personal computer ( Include all hardware ) Network Connection SQL waiter Windows XP .NET modelFuture program for my database:In the assignment I produced a database direction system for a college section. There are many sections of the college. I will include more information about more sections in the database at future. To implement my database I will utilize latest tools. I will seek to happen how manner I can implement the database.Appendix:Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) :Optimization diagram:DatabaseSummary:There are five undertakings in the assignment. The assignment contains some subjects of database. As a pupil any one can larn about database direction system from the topic. The undertaking five contains information of an premise. In the undertaking I tried to supply an ideal premise about the whole assignment.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Choose a Career

Passion or Money Does money make people incentive toward their career or job selection? The pressure of the dream life in which everything is achieved can drive people to select a carrier or a job that isn’t their favorite. Robert Sullivan in How to Choose a career that will not get you rich discusses how society had driven people to choose something that they don’t love by saying, â€Å"These days, a good education is a must if you planning on working your entire life and ending up with little or nothing†(Sullivan 407) .A good career is consider on how much that person will earn, that is why sometimes students aren’t motivate since what they love isn’t going to pay them as good as other careers. â€Å"How to Choose a Career That Will Not Get You Rich No Matter What Anyone Tells You† by Robert Sullivan argue that people should choose majors or jobs depending on what they are really interested in. Sullivan expresses his opinion with a sarcasti c humor to poke fun of the attitude of society by given examples of mediaeval literature, wildlife biologist, and traditional music.Sullivan states that medieval literature is â€Å" Wonderful area of essentially not-for-profit study, and, indeed , a study of just medieval poetry will only reinforce the improbability of retiring on what you will earn, even though you may see the world as more beautiful, and , through the sight of such beauty, you will be stock-poor but soul-enhance† (Sullivan 408). In other words if a person decide to become a poetry nothing touchable will be earn however passion and love will be always present. What happens is that students start to study in career that assures them money without thinking if that is going to make them happy.If a person goes to Nurse School just because the high salary rate but they don’t like it is not worth it. There must be a balance between what is loved and what will pay the bills. Further, Sullivan states that â €Å"the one universal important thing to keep in mind when choosing a career that will not be making you loaded is to choose a field assured of not getting rich† (Sullivan 411). Doing what is loved is more important than doing something hated. Society needs to understand this balance and let people to choose something they want to do.In the reading â€Å"Traditional Music â€Å" is used to shown how personal interest like becoming a pianist is opposite of someone choosing a career that statistics indicate will manage to keep him or her alive, career such as health care, education and engineering. In this society economy health is important to survive and some careers are unsafe. Work Cited Sullivan, Robert. â€Å"â€Å"How to Choose a Career That Will Not Get You Rich No Matter What Anyone Tells You†, James S. Acting Out Culture, Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s,2011. 300-307. Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Acting Under Pressure Essay

Some of the professionals or even not yet professionals may face many psychological pressures often without people or resources to turn to for support, or the knowledge and skills to effectively manage these pressures. A great mind being an optimistic can help you a lot in terms of handling these pressures for you to be able to work properly. In contrast with this, a pessimistic mind will lead you no way. Leaders who want to establish a practice of positive workplace within their organizations should develop written ethics standards, provide ethics training, and ensure resources are available for employees in need of some proper advice. According to the internet, Management accounting or managerial accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis to make informed business decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions. Those taking this specific subject may face different challenges along the way. In the given data of Institute of Management Accountants, enumerated countries have its own challenges yet it is included with solutions in order to minimize those given challenges. Below are the countries given together with its challenges in the workplace plus the way on how do they resolve those cases. UNITED KINGDOM. One of the challenges faced by the management accountants is limited funding of public money and potentially high penalties if a project failed to be delivered on time. In order to resolve this problem, management accountants should need to ponder how this was being allocated because it can be a threat to year end reporting and matching progress to the budget. To avoid penalties and to adopt with tight timelines, safety and quality issues and working hours should need to be kept in check. Moreover, another challenge faced by management accountants is intense pressure to win a contract. In line with this, management accountants need to confirm that no conflict of interest from the outset and that governance and checks for the awarding of contracts were in place. Also, there must be a regular review of relationships with contractors as well as offers and acceptance of hospitality. Management accountants should use not only her organization’s governance and ethical guidelines and policies but also be guided by the CIMA code of ethics and seek support from her reporting line and senior management. In line with this, management accountants should create relationships with his/her team as well as line managers to enable his/her to influence associates, and to become familiar with the key contacts in the audit or ethics committee to escalate issues by means of asking perceptive and examining questions, encouraging discussions and resolving issues. SRI LANKA. Another challenges faced by management accountants were issues related to the quality of supplies and raw materials in its strict deadlines and fixed budgets because there may be inadequate transparency in the supplier screening process and incentives used to keep things to time. As a management accountant, regular quality checks will help him/her to draw up a policy framework with expected issues with the team, like considering time plans for projects. Also, confidential whistleblowing line of that management will act on. SOUTH AFRICA. Most companies in South Africa are challenged by the pressure brought about by the competitive setting of the business world. Since companies were focused on being the one top, the workforce especially management accountants were pressured to meet the company’s objectives, mainly in meeting the deadlines. Without a proper application of managerial skills and having a harmonious relationship within the management it may be hard for the management accountants to provide accurate and well-articulated information to the managers. Building and strengthening the commitment of every employee is one good solution and it is done by having regular meetings, raising best practice, and sharing knowledge. Build relationship not only with legal departments but also with technical departments in order to extract every details or information needed to provide the best information and precise data for the managers to have an enhanced management of the company. PAKISTAN. In Pakistan, working on demanding deadlines and strict budgets are the main problems/challenges faced by many management accountants. Inducement is commonly observed in order to meet deadlines leading to falsifying records and providing unreliable valuations. For that reason, risk assessment should always be done and a â€Å"highlight to ETHICAL CONDUCT should be observed†. Management accountants should ensure that all requirements are met and have a healthy communication not only with the management but also with external stakeholders to engage them properly. MALAYSIA. In Malaysia, the problems or challenges faced by management accountants were related in the threats of breaching the confidentiality of information and interest of a company. Other problems that management accountants were facing include labor rights, safety and quality issue. Management accountants should keep the customer’s expectation to their product or service to meet up their company’s objectives and goals. To solve these problems management accountants should think about the risk if they were threatened to breach the confidentiality of information of a company. They should also investigate if there were hidden expenses, asset under/over valuation and improper profit recognition. Management accountants have a vital role to play of having a good company especially if they understand professional ethics. They should also give incentives to their employees so they can work harder and it is the key to maintain or improve customer relationship. Management accountant sh ould also go under training and seminars about ethical values of organization.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Effects Of Violence And Disease On The Kenyan Economy Research Paper

Effects Of Violence And Disease On The Kenyan Economy - Research Paper Example There is the element of that aspect of ethnic violence that is due to numerous disputes over land and the distribution of power and wealth, stemming from disputes that first arose during the time of the colonial masters, and taking deeper root from the time of independence in 1963 moving forward. The Rift Valley and Nairobi slums have been targeted as the areas with the most profound violence in the country, even as violence is not isolated in that region, but spread over along ethnic lines. The Kikuyu tribe, making up about 20 percent of the population, and politically and economically influential, has had clashes with competing for ethnic groups such as the Luo, among the most prominent of which is the violence that erupted in 2008, tied to the elections. It is hard to quantify the economic impacts of such violence, and the number of casualties seems to pale in comparison to the dead in such places as Rwanda, but the consensus is that violence in some form or other has had some imp act on the development of the Kenyan economy through the years. The effects of disease and poor health on the economy, in particular, are dire, pervasive, and chronic, affecting longevity and workforce numbers and quality, and affecting the ability of the Kenyan economy to fund growth and other drivers of long-term economic wellness, such as education, and threatening to pull the country into a vicious cycle where the continued deterioration of the health of the Kenyan population translates to poorer and poorer economic outcomes.... face a growing list of persistent and chronic health crises that crippled the country's ability to adequately address all of these health problems and grow the economy. It is a chicken and egg affair. As more Kenyans meet with devastating health afflictions, such as tuberculosis malaria, and AIDS, the greater their burden on the nation's coffers, which in turn caused the country to suffer reversals versus its economic goals. Moreover, the impaired health and longevity of its citizens translated to a less capable workforce, which also had the effect of stunting overall economic growth. Indeed, at present, about half of the Kenyan population lives in poverty, while the longevity rates have gone down from a peak of 62 years in the late 1980's to just 53 years twenty years hence (Center for Strategic & International Studies). Data from UNICEF largely corroborate the steep plunge in expected longevity rates for the country, dropping to just 44 years according to UNICEF largely due to the outbreak and chronically high levels of the incidence of AIDS/HIV in the country (UNICEF). The numbers relating to the incidence of crippling diseases, including malaria, AIDS, other infectious illnesses, and tuberculosis, have remained at chronic high levels since that time. To add to this, recent trends are that the country is facing an epidemic of other chronic ailments, including heart disease, diabetes, and different kinds of cancers, further adding to the national burden, increasing the financial requirements to meet health care needs, and further stressing the national economy. The health care burden is huge relative to the capacity of the Kenyan national government's ability to meet it financially, and is the starting point of a vicious circle that threatens to keep the Kenyan

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Paul Klee Creative Credo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paul Klee Creative Credo - Essay Example It's already existing as its own being. However, when it's placed in a painting, it's made more visible to the naked eye. It is able to be readily captured more easily than if it were standing on its own. The artist simply brought it "more" to life. Moreover, Klee does not believe that an object should be contained and not admired. He believes that it should be looked at admiringly and often in several different ways. Klee does not think that a painting starts and ends with just a simple drawing. However, he believes that a measure of thought should be put into the strokes. He believes that your mind should be focused on your painting because, when your total attention is on the painting, you will be able to notice the details that it needs. As a matter of fact, he favors Anselm Feuerbach, a German artist who believed that artists must have a chair in order to work. Feuerbach thinking is that the chair will rest the artist's legs hence enabling him to better devote his mind to his painting. He believed that time was necessary in order to make great art, and he didn't believe that it should be rushed. Klee also considers space to be a very important concept when regarding art. He believe that movement was essential to art, on both the artist's and the viewer's part.

Speech Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Speech - Term Paper Example It will also suggest that the skillful audience analysis employed by President Kennedy shows why audience analysis is important to public speaking in general. The Cuban Missile Crisis Speech: The Right Words at the Last Minute President John F. Kennedy’s speech at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the most important speeches in American history. The Soviet Union was building bases in Cuba for nuclear missiles that could reach the United States. Kennedy had to inform the public of the possibility of a Soviet nuclear strike against the United States and simultaneously calm the people’s fears and assure them that everything possible was being done to remedy the situation. He also had to use the opportunity to send a message to Nikita Khrushchev and the leaders of Soviet Union that nuclear bases in Cuba would not be tolerated (Long & Swett, 2010). By closely analyzing this speech, it is possible to see the techniques that Kennedy used to deliver two separate messages to two different audiences at once. In doing this, Kennedy showed the importance of audience analysis in public speaking. Kennedy spoke to two audiences in his speech. The first and most important audience was the American public. The people of the United States had already been worried about the possibility of nuclear war since the end of the Second World War and the start of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Kennedy had to deliver accurate news about what was taking place in Cuba and what it meant for America without panicking people. Upon hearing the news, Americans would want to look to a strong leader who had the crisis under control and who would stop the conflict before it spiraled into unthinkable disaster. Because the missiles would be able to reach most of the Western hemisphere, Kennedy’s address held implications for an international audience, as well. The President’s speech also had a secondary purpose. He could also us e the opportunity to make a show of strength to America’s Cold War enemies in the Soviet Union and Cuba. While much of the information delivered in the speech was being exchanged between the powers involved via intelligence, letters, and phone calls, seeing the President proclaim to the American people what strategies would be used against Cuba and the Soviet Union in a speech held more intimidation for the Soviet and Cuban leaders (Bostdorff 1994). A good speech is a powerful emotional tool that can convey the deeper meaning of a message more effectively than a conversation or a written declaration can. Kennedy knew this, and he used the opportunity as a defensive strategy just as much as an informative address. One of the most striking aspects of the speech is the direct and businesslike manner in which Kennedy addresses the American people. To start off, he does not simplify or â€Å"dumb down† the information he conveys, nor does he sugar coat it to make it more pa lletable. Kennedy treats the American people like adults who are capable of understanding the situation. By doing this, he shows the audience that what he’s saying is extremely serious. He then goes on to detail what the Soviet government said about their involvement in the building of the Cuban missile bases and the purpose of these bases, and states emphatically that these assurances were false. Kennedy shows some anger here, but his anger is tightly controlled. By doing this, he

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hospice Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hospice Care - Essay Example Although the modern hospice care started in the 17th century, it was Dame Cicely Saunders who pioneered the foundational principles of the modern hospices in the 1950s. The movement of hospice care, which has met with several types of criticisms through its development, has enjoyed a rapid expansion in the UK, the US and several other nations. "Pioneered in England, hospice took root in the United States during the 1970s and was added as a benefit to the Medicare program in the early 1980s. Its origins lie in a grassroots movement that lay outside the medical mainstream and was informed by an ethic of compassion, dignity, and service. More or less self-consciously, hospice care was initially designed for people who were dying of cancer, and who had a functional family support system and a home where they could be cared for away from the high-tech hospital environment. Over time, the vision and the values of the hospice movement have developed and matured." (What Is Hospice Care 2003, p 6). The movement of hospice care has undergone development through various stages in the history of nursing and it is essential to compare and contrast nursing role, processes, etc during the twentieth century and early twenty first century. The various stages of the development of the hospice care include the periods 1920-1929, 1930-1945, 1946-1959, 1960-1975, and 1976 to present, and the nursing role, processes, etc in the hospice care has improved through these stages. In the health care industry, hospice has been a considerably newcomer, although the origins of hospice are in antiquity. The modern hospice care program has its origin in the mid-1960s in the founding of St Christopher's Hospice in England. The hospice movement has been significant development in health care industry as it has provided several strategies for the treatment of people who are no longer candidates for curative or rehabilitation services. "Traditions of kindness for sick and dying patients are to be found in all societies from antiquity. The beginning of the modern hospice movement is usually attributed to Dame Cicely Saunders, who founded St Christopher's Hospice in London in 1967. Two years later Elizabeth Kubbler Ross published her book, On Death and Dying, based on her experiences talking with dying patients in a Chicago hospital In 1953 the first advanced mammal, a dog named Knowsy (because he knew what was on the 'other side') was successfully resuscitated. Further advances in resuscitation and advanced life-support led to the propagation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and intensive care units during the early 1960s." (Hallenbeck, 2003, p 3). Therefore, the modern hospice movement has undergone vital improvements since its founding and the role of the nurses as well as the process of the care has gone through various stages. In a reflective analysis of the history of hospice care in the twentieth century, one realizes that there have been several developments in this nursing care with regard to the role of the nurses and the process of the care. Significantly, hospice can be comprehended as a philosophy of caring which respects and values the dignity and worth of every human being. Therefore, a good hospice care may be understood as the practical expression of the personal and professional commitment in the nursing care. Hospice care, which is meant for people approaching

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Foreign Policy Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Foreign Policy Analysis - Case Study Example The policy makers viewed the decision of the US to invade Iraq as a preemptive decision based on its interests rather than the safeguard of international security and peace . The sates held that the American government aimed to broaden its notion of self-defense regardless of the state of the international security. Therefore, many states such as France and Germany did not support the war against Iraq. The international society viewed war as the last resort, and posed challenges to the US to demonstrate whether it had pursued the possible peaceful options specifically for the disarmament of Iraq . For instance, the president of France Jacques Chirac claimed that war is an admission of defeat as is the worst of the solutions. He added that states must pursue all the avenues to avoid war. As evidenced, the French leaders also condemned the preemptive war against Iraq but maintained that the disarmament of Iraq can be peaceful. For instance, Dominique de Villepin, the French Foreign Min ister held a view that Iraq can be disarmed through peaceful ways.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B2Due to the self-interests of Germany and France concerning the oil and construction industries, they opted for the support of the ultimatum of the UK/US. Further, they offered support to the war to disarmer Iraq because of the geopolitical factors such as the expressed wish of the elites to create the independent defenses and foreign polices from NATO . Moreover, the interests. For instance, the Foreign Minister of German Joschka Fischer warned.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Is Advertising a Barrier to Male Movement toward Gender Change Coursework

Is Advertising a Barrier to Male Movement toward Gender Change - Coursework Example Recently, while watching a TV daily, I have come across an advertisement that details about a perfume. Specifications, detailing that a perfume is for female or male has become quite prominent in the context of promoting the brand. The advertisement was appealing for men as usual so long as women are used as props for developing the quality of the advertisement. The advertisement, as I presume to be prompting men to use a particular product and restricting the women to conduct the same. The advertisement clearly captioned that the particular perfume that was being introduced in the market was solely meant for men and not for women (Bettany, Dobscha, O’Malley and Prothero 3-5). It is often noted that people are more interested in the body languages of other people, as it prompts them to decide about the probable mode of action or the needs of justification for an action they want to continue. Body languages even help in depicting the level of participation that is reflected through the movement of body parts as well as postures for standing and sitting. Furthermore, non-verbal communication is often assisted by the use of body postures that play an important role in developing various interpretations about the communicator. Additionally, the perceptions of people about another individual often get developed based on their respective body languages. Even in the 21st century, when people comment on providing equal rights for both men and women, women still fail to obtain equal standards to that of men depending on the patriarchy system that is apparently evident at the various social levels. Specifically, gender discriminations are not apparent within the social standards but are somehow still in practices. To be mentioned, the age-old dogmatic social system has been playing a crucial role in framing the mental state of society to have separate perceptions for men and women based on their gender roles.  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Market Orientation Benefit an Organization Essay Example for Free

Market Orientation Benefit an Organization Essay Definition of Market Orientation : A business approach or philosophy that focuses on identifying and meeting the stated or hidden needs or wants of customers. See also product orientation and sales orientation. Market orientation perspectives include the decision-making perspective, market intelligence perspective, culturally based behavioral perspective, strategic perspective. Developing a Market Orientation: An Organizational Strategy Perspective. International Journal of Research in Marketing, and customer orientation perspective. Corporate culture, customer orientation, According to them, the marketing concept is a business philosophy, whereas the term market orientation refers to the actual implementation of the marketing concept. They added that a market orientation appears to provide a unifying focus for the efforts and projects of individuals and departments within the organization. On the other hand, the market orientation as the organization culture that most effectively and efficient creates the necessary behaviours for the creation of superior value for buyers and, thus, continuous superior performance for the business. As such, they consider market orientation as an organisational culture consisting of three behavioral components, namely, i) customer orientation, ii) competitor orientation and iii) interfunctional coordination. Product Orientation : A business approach or philosophy in which whatever a company makes or supplies is the focus of the managements attention. See also market orientation and sales orientation. Customer Orientation : 1. General: A party that receives or consumes products (goods or services) and has the ability to choose between different products and suppliers. See also buyer. 2. Quality control: Entity within a firm who establishes the requirement of a process (accounting, for example) and receives the output of that process (a financial statement, for example) from one or more internal or external suppliers. An organizations strategy that combines all of its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from market research and focus on the right product mix in order to achieve the maximum profit potential and sustain the business. The marketing strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan 1. General: A motivating force that compels action for its satisfaction. Needs range from basic survival needs (common to all human beings) satisfied by necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social needs (varying from place to place and age group to age group) satisfied by necessaries. Needs are finite but, in contrast, wants (which spring from desires or wishes) are boundless. See also Maslows hierarchy of needs. 2. Marketing: A driver of human action which marketers try to identify, emphasize, and satisfy, and around which promotional efforts are organized. Sales Orientation : A business approach or philosophy that focuses on promoting sales of whatever a company makes or supplies, through marketing and sales calls. See also market orientation and product orientation.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Relationship Between Host Community And Guest Tourism Essay

The Relationship Between Host Community And Guest Tourism Essay 2.0 Introduction Tourism is a product that relies totally upon simultaneous production and consumption. The implication of this for the destinations host community is that it will come into contact with an alien population during the production process. This contact can be beneficial or detrimental to the host community depending upon the difference in cultures and the nature of the contact. Tourism can develop and grow when host community has a positive attitude toward it and when they see their role in the process of the tourism development. At the point when a tourism destination is born, the quality if the life of the local hosts goes through radical changes, which are not necessarily negative. Literature suggests that tourism development has created both positive and negative impacts on communities. As a consequence, community residents hold different attitudes towards tourism development. Residents who do not support the development of tourism have been identified in almost all segmentation studies concerning attitudes towards tourism, namely Haters (Davis et al. 1988; Madrigal 1995), Cynics (Williams and Lawson 2001) or Somewhat Irritated (Ryan and Montgomery 1994). Host communities do see new business opportunities in tourism and are motivated to explore them. At the same time, they know that some negative physical, cultural, social and economic impacts will emer ge. The most complex problems that accompany tourism development, reside in the relationship between local host and tourist. Furthermore , there are limits of tourism growth that are closely associated with the place capacity and with the quality of life in the local community. The most complex problems that accompany tourism development, reside in the relationship between tourists and local host. Furthermore, there are limits of tourism growth that are closely associated with the place capacity and with the quality of life in the local community. When these limits are exceeded, local residents develop negative attitudes towards tourism. When negative attitudes become beliefs, tourism development obstacles appear. The beliefs of the local hosts become the most reliable indicator of the limits to the growth of tourism. 2.1 Tourism Development Tourism development is an expression that encompasses not only destinations, origins, motivations and impacts, but also the complex linkage that exist between all the people and institutions of that interconnecting, global supply and demand system ( Pearce, 1989). It has been widely recognized that tourism development is a double-edged sword for host communities. Not only does it generate benefits, but it also imposes costs (Jafari, 2001). By evaluating these benefits and costs, host community develop their perception toward tourism. Tourism is an industry which uses the host community as a resource, sells it as a product , and in the process affects the lives of everyone ( Murphy,1981). In general, tourism development within a host community often impacts the community both in negative and positive ways. These Impacts have been well documented and are usually classified as socio-cultural impacts, environmental impacts and economic impacts ( Allen et al., 1988; Ap, Farrell et al., 2001; Liu and Sheldon, 1987; Liu and Var, 1986; Nepal,2008; Pappas, 2008; Van Winkle and Mackay,2008). Residents attitudes will be positive if they can use tourism resources such as recreational facilities or if they perceive that tourism development will protect or preserve the environment ( Lankford et al, 2003). Conversely attitudes towards tourism were found to be negative if residents perceived the impacts as negative, or if the resources within a host community diminish as a result of tourist activity ( Lankford et al.,2003; Perdue et al., 1990). Tourism development initiatives usually center around the economic benefits derived from tourism. This typically includes job creation, taxes and other indirect income. 2.2 Tourism Planning Based on the World Tourism Organisations Hainan Declaration in December 2000, it is noted that one of the reasons for the failure of tourism planning in the past can be attributed to the lack of consultation with the local residents (Yahya et al. 2005:According to Williams and Lawson (2001) and Gursoy et al. (2002), research on residents reactions to tourism can help tourism planners understand why residents support or oppose tourism. Such information can help planners select those developments that can minimize the negative impacts and maximize support for tourism development amongst certain members of the local population. It has now become widely recognized that planners and entrepreneurs must take the views of the host community into account if the industry wants to pursue the goal of sustainable development (Allen et al. 1988; Ap and Crompton 1993). Success of a regional tourism development plan depends on the successful involvement of the community (Inbakaran and Jackson 2006: 64).Difference between success and failure could be location or temporally based so this research aims to set the foundation for continuing studies and inform local policy makers, planners and managers. This is particularly relevant in light of recent changes to local government structures in the region. Moreover, the successful development of a tourism industry requires effective planning that both recognises tourists demands and emphasizes the values of the local host community (Lankford, 1994). 2.3 Host community According to Sherlock (1999), it is difficult to define the term community precisely; nevertheless, the word can be used to refer to a group of people who exist in one particular location. Aramberri (2001) suggests that host societies are in fact communities, made of one piece. For Williams and Lawson (2001) community is defined as a group of people who share common goals or opinions. Host Community is particular is defined by Mathieson and Wall (1982) as the Inhabitants of the destination area. Similarly, Swarbrooke (1999) defines it as all those who live within a tourist destination. According to Gursoy et al.(2002) and Williams and Lawson (2001), the community consists of different groups of people who live in the same geographical area, which does not mean they necessarily belong to the same community. In the light of the previous definition, it can be concluded that a host community consists of all those people in the destination, whether they are homogeneous or heterogeneous an d regardless of whether the impacts of tourism are beneficial or otherwise. Tourism is an industry which uses the host community as a resource to sell it as a product, and in the process affects the lives of everyone (Murphy, 1980). The community as a product of amalgam of the destinations resources. As such the tourism industry is dependent on the host communitys hospitality, and therefore it should be developed according to the communitys needs to desires. Before host communities begin development of tourism resources, it is imperative to gain an understanding of hosts opinions regarding development. Tourism development in a community is not simply a matter of matching product supply with tourist demand, local acceptability must also be considered ( Menning, 1995). Moreover, it is the host community to who has a voice in concluding which tourism impacts are acceptable and which impacts are problems. However, the host is community is often the last to be notified of tourism development (Thyne and Lawson,2001) and quite often they are not given a chance or encouraged to give their opinioin on tourism issues. 2.4 Relationship Between Host Community and Guest A good relationship between local hosts and tourist is essential for the long term development of tourism destination. ( Ap and Crompton, 1998). The relationship between host community and tourists is mainly affected by the socio-cultural impacts that are caused due to tourism development (Smith, 1995). The variation in the relationship between hosts and tourists depends on the level to which the benefits of tourism are perceived to exceed costs ( Faulkner and Tideswell 1997). In other words, this mean that if the tourism industry brings in benefit rather than cost to the host community, the relationship between both parties would be much more stronger. Smith (1989) conclude that contacts between tourist and host community if different cultural background take the form of direct face to face encounters between tourists and host of different cultural groups. The interaction between hosts and international guests raises another issue linked to cultural tolerance. As argued by Bochner ( 1982), the mutual understanding between cultures can create an opportunity for acquaintance leading towards enhanced understanding and tolerance and, consequently, reduce prejudice, conflict and tension between hosts and tourists.This type of contact is experienced by tourists when they travel from home culture to a host culture by hosts when they serve tourists from a foreign culture. That is, both tourist and the host community participate in exploring each others culture. Tourist exploring the host culture by learning and exploring it and on the other hand the host community is interacting with tourists, who are of foreign cultures. 2.5 Host community perception towards tourism development Research has been conducted for the convenience of tourists, while local community perceptions and attitudes towards the industry have been given less of a priority (Murphy 1985). Butler (1980) claimed that there is a correlation between the development of tourism and the attitude of the domestic people towards the tourists. The domestic people show a very positive attitude towards the increasing number of tourists in the region at the beginning because they have high expectations from the tourist in long term basis. However this positive attitude is gradually replaced by the negative attitude as the time passes. Local residents perceptions are strongly influenced by the benefits and costs of tourism development. Those who received benefit from tourism stated that they are dependent on tourism, but the case was contrary for those who received nothing For instance, destination communities have been inconvenienced by congestion and some other negative impacts brought by tourism (Brunt and Courtney 1999). Any impacts from tourism causing annoyance or anger in the host community may lead to problems for the long-term development of the industry. Therefore, Murphy (1985: 133) argued if tourism is to merit its pseudonym of being the hospitality industry, it must look beyond its own doors and employees to consider the social and cultural impacts it is having on the host community at large. Studying host community attitudes and the antecedents of resident reaction can help both residents and planners (Williams and Lawson 2001).Williams and Lawson argued that it was possible to select those developments that can minimize negative impacts and maximize support for the industry. By doing so, on one hand the quality of life of residents can be maintained or enhanced; and, on the other hand, the negative impacts of tourism in the community wil l be reduced. 2.6 Tourism Impacts Researchers in the early years of the twentyfirst century list an impressive range of both positive and negative impacts on the host community as a result of tourism development (Fredline and Faulkner, 2000; Upchurch and Teivane, 2000; Gursoy et al., 2002; Besculides et al., 2002) The study of impacts from tourism on local communities takes in a range of literature that includes both the positive and negative effects of hosting tourists to a community. Andereck and Vogt (2000) point out that residents of a tourist community differ with respect to the impacts resulting from tourism development. However, researchers agree that a necessary condition of successful tourism development strategy is the inclusion of residents of the entire community if tourism investment is to yield substantial returns (Allen et al., 1988, 1993; Jurowski Uysal, 1997; Long et al ., 1990; Snepenger Johnson, 1991). 2.6.1 Socio-cultural Impacts Tourism is a socio-cultural event for both the guest and host (Murphy, 1985) and the contact between host and tourists can be beneficial or detrimental to the host community depending upon the difference in cultures and the nature of the contact .Tourism development also affects the social, cultural and environmental aspects within a destination. Socio-cultural impacts are concerned with the ways in which tourism is contributing to changes in value systems, individual behaviour, family relationships, collective lifestyles, moral conduct, creative expressions, traditional ceremonies and community organization (Pizam Milman, 1984, cited in Haralambopoulos Pizam, 1996, p.503). Host community has always been viewed as victims having to accept the social and cultural changes that are brought by tourism development (Sharpley and Telfer, 2002), while guest who imposes their own values on the host communities are viewed as the villain. Socio-cultural aspects within a destination may be positively affected through increased tourism Research (Ap Crompton, 1998; Easterling, 2004) suggests that tourism brings an increased understanding of other cultures, and strengthens the cultural identity of the host destination and increases community pride. Furthermore, tourism development increases and promotes cultural exchange between tourists and residents. Tourism can also be a force to preserve and revitalize the cultural identity and traditional practices of host communities and act as a source of income to protect heritage sites (Easterling, 2004). Tourism on the socio-cultural aspects can contribute to the revitalisation of arts, crafts and local culture and to the realization of cultural identity and heritage. In order to attract more tourists, architectural and historical sites are restored and protected (Inskeep, 1991). According to a study by Isik (2005) in Denmark, it was common that local people are not happy because tourism narrowed their alternatives of life, they do not have jobs, for children and the youth there are no activities for fun, no cinemas and entertainment. Life is too monotonous. Many years ago, citizens were very happy; there was a perfect friendship between the neighbors but now they do not even greet each other. However, the same study was carried out in Gà ¼zelà §amlÄ ± in Turkey reveals that hosts are very happy with tourists and every summer they organize festivals to get more tourists From a cultural perspective, tourism development and the appearance of tourists could cause a series of changes in host communities, such as increased price and identity, cohesion, exchange of ideas and increased knowledge about cultures ( Stein Anderson 1999). In other word, meaning that the host community will gain in about the tourist culture, helping them to expand their knowledge. Other changes included assimilation, conflict and xenophobia as well as artificial reconstructio (Besculides, Lee McCormick 2002). Relevant literature acknowledged that perception of host community on such impacts ambivalent that is they have a feeling of both hate and love towards changes occurring with the tourism development. To others, the cultural changes caused by tourism threatens to destroy traditional cultures and societies (Brunt Courtney 199, p 495) and to others it represented an opportunity for peace, understanding and greater knowledge ( Brunt Courtney 1999, p.495).With an expansion in the international tourism, the contact between guest and host would increased automatically. Such an increase would deepen the cultural impacts of tourism on host communities. In an extreme situation, the host communities could become culturally dependent on the tourism generating country ( Sharpley 1994). 2.7 Factors Influencing Host community perception towards tourism development Tourism development does not only generate benefits, but it also imposes costs ( Jafari, 2001). By evaluating these benefits and costs, host community develop their perception toward tourism development. However, previous research indicates that the development of locals hosts attitudes toward tourism is not determined by those perceived benefits and costs but is modified by various moderating variables ( Lankford, 1994). Those tested variables are classified as the intrinsic dimension which includes residents socio-cultural economic and demographic attributes , but the results are mixed.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Russias Relationship with the Rest of the World

Russias Relationship with the Rest of the World Will Russia be able to live without European Union? Even before the invasion of Crimea started, Russia and European Union did not have a good relationship which had resulted in many heated disputes. However, after Russia annexed Crimea, conflicts have become more complex and serious. Many Russian citizens who are pro-kremlin, after the annexing of Crimea became even more euro-skeptical and demanded Russia to Cut the ties with Europe and start cooperating with Asia, so they could utilize all of the benefits that such great economy could offer. Russia would benefit politically too, because countries in Asia do not particularly focus on the human right issues. The Europe or Asia topic has been discussed in Russia for centuries and this, for Russia, seems like a suitable moment to re-orientate towards Asia. But even if Russia would want to re-orientate to Asia market, would it be possible for Russia to isolate themselves from the European Union. There are a lot of arguments that oppose this Asia plan. First of all, it is demography. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, when Russian citizens got the taste of the western culture, the Russian society started to become more pro-European. The population in the closest regions to Asia has decreased[1], [2] and that is poor because those are the regions that should play a key role in the cooperation with Asia. There are many reasons for people to leave Eastern Russia. The subsidies for working there are not as big anymore, the climate is bad and the salaries are just bigger in the western region of Russia. A significant part of Russia’s population has been born in the European side of the Russia, i.e. Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, and because basically it is Europe, one could say that those Russians have been born and raised in Europe. Secondly, the current Russia’s economic structure makes the efforts to isolate themselves from European Union practically impossible. Since 1998 Russia has always had a positive trade balance.[3] They have been importing a lot of stuff from Western-Europe.[4] Data from Trading Economics about year 2012 tells us that Russia’s imports reached 245 billion dollars of which 65% were various tools and transport mechanisms.[5] While Asia’s role in Russian imports has increased from 23 per-cent in 2009 to 27 per-cent in 2013[6] and Europe’s part has decreased by 5 per-cent in the same time span[7], and it is probable that Asia’s role in Russian imports will increase, still it would take decades until Russia transfers all its imports to Asia. But unfortunately for Russia, significant part of Russia’s import from Asia is made by Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and these countries have close military ties with the United States of America.[8] So these three countries would probably follow the United States, if they tried to isolate Russia. Even if Russia’s government accepts the re-orientation from West to East, it would not be a solution to Russia’s short-term problems with the European Union. At this time Russia and Europe are dependent on each other and cutting the trading ties would be disastrous for both sides. Europe needs Russia’s natural gas and oil as much as Russia needs Europe’s industrial tools. Of course, Russia can choose Asia to be its future partner, but right now it is Europe and Europe only. Sanctions on Russia It may seem that European Union and its allies are collectively agreeing on what and how harsh sanctions should be directed to Russia. But that is not the case. Harsh reality is that European Union cannot decide on sanctions against Russia because there are many Member States which oppose these harsh sanctions on Russia.[9] And those Member States who are not willing to introduce bitter sanctions include such influential countries as Germany and Austria. Europe’s response to insurgency in Ukraine has been discreet and such cautious reaction has one reason – money. The trading volume between European Union and Russia has been humongous. With 9.5 per-cents from total trading volume it is the third biggest European Union’s partner.[10] According to data provided by European Commission, trade between European Union and Russia flourished in 2012. Such growth was mainly caused by a bigger import of energy resources. One of the energy resources that Europe is really dep endent on is oil because the number of Europe’s oilfields is reducing fast so Europe has to buy more from Russia.[11] As Russia is so dependent to the income from the gas exports[12], a complete cut-off is not in the conversation. Hence the pipes that provide their gas go through Ukraine, there are seven European Union member states which may be concerned about the natural gas cut-off, they are the three Baltic States, Finland, Hungary and Bulgaria.[13] Fortunately, even in the case of a natural gas cut-off, as the last winter was not as harsh, these member states will probably manage to deal with it because the storages for gas in these countries are almost full.[14] Europe’s trade is very unequal. There are few countries that make up the bigger part of exports and imports. For example, Germany exports to Russia are valued in 39 billion euros[15] which is more than a third of European Union’s exports. By exporting industrial tools and machines to Russia, Italy has earned 11.5 billion Euros.[16] Netherlands exports to Russia make up 8 billion euros.[17] These three countries are responsible for roughly 60 per-cents of European Union’s exports. Crisis influence on external politics is best seen in Italy. Italy is one of the countries in active opposition against harsh sanctions on Russia. This matter is as supported by society as it is by Italy’s government. Instead of pushing sanctions against Russia, Italy is concentrating on beneficial-to-both-sides cooperation. Looking back at the history between both of these countries, they have never had any serious disagreements, so their neutral stance on Russia is understandable. And of the three most influential sanction opposing countries Italy has the most fragile economic situation, of course, Germany’s and Austria’s economic situations are not entirely stable, but they are not as fragile as Italy’s is. There will always be disagreements and different views at problems in the European Union since some countries are better off than others. For example, Scandinavian countries in comparison with southern Europe countries. Each country has its own problems which are in most cases primary to European Union headaches. It is possible that after some decades European Union will be a full union and the current disputes between European Union member states will be no more than a distant memory. Russian sanctions on Latvia/Europe After three waves of sanctions that Europe, United States of America and other countries placed on Russia, on 7th of August Russia published their economic sanctions. Prior to that Russia had only sanctioned certain American and Canadian officials. When describing Russia’s embargo influence on country’s economy, Latvian Ministry of Finance said â€Å"The influence of Russia’s sanctions will be moderate†, they continued â€Å"Today’s published sanctions concerns only 4.6 per-cents of the year 2013 exports to Russia or 0.2 per-cents of the GDP †¦Ã¢â‚¬  and they added that the loses would be roughly 50 million euros.[18] Intellectual society says that Ministry of Finance is downplaying it and that the embargo by Russia will be much tougher to bear with. In fact Latvia is one of the top four countries which will be hit the hardest by these sanctions. All of the four, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are Russia’s border countries. In these countries twenty-six per-cents of all the food exports go to Russia. To make the numbers little more understandable, in the United States of America it is 0.9 per-cents, in France it is 1.25 per-cents and in the United Kingdom it is 0.7 per-cents. As NATO and its allied countries raised these sanctions against Russia, they should be the ones that take care of these four countries which got hit the hardest by the counter-sanctions from Russia. NATO should make its member states open their markets to Finland’s and the Baltic States goods. And for Latvia it is not only those 26 per-cents of food export to Russia mentioned previously. A significant part of exports to Lithuania should be counted in as loses caused by the Russian sanctions, as Lithuania is only a transshipment place for goods that need to be taken to Russia. If the exports to Lithuania which is really addressed to Russia gets added, the hit gets even harder, not only for the food industry but for the transpor tation industry too, because all the shipments to Russia got cancelled for the embargo. The estimated loss for the transport industry is 70 million euros. And the packaging company’s shouldn’t be forgotten too, because someone needs to pack all the food that gets exported to Russia and now, because of the embargo, packaging companies will suffer too. And hence the workload in these companies gets smaller, they do not need as many workers, so Latvia has to prepare itself for a sudden rise of the unemployment rate in the country. It has already happened in one of the four countries – Finland. Finland’s biggest dairy product’s producer Valio laid-off eight-hundred workers that worked in factories which produced products for export to Russia.[19] It is only a matter of time for Latvia’s biggest dairy product company Food Union until it starts letting people go. Since a half of the production is normally exported to Russia, such actions are inevi table.[20] In its embargo Russia has yet not included preserved fishes. However the fish processing companies are already worried, because two thirds of all the fish products made in Latvia are preserved fishes and almost all of the fish processing companies in Latvia are one hundred per-cent exporting.[21] In mid-August Russia’s Federal Fishing Agency already proposed its Ministry of Agriculture to include in the embargo preserved fishes.[22] If such proposal gets accept and preserved fishes really do get included in the Russian embargo Latvia can count another fifty million euros in loses. Fish processing industry provides more than five-thousand families in Latvia, and in some places is even the biggest job provider in the city, for example, Salacgriva.[23] If preserved fishes get included in the embargo it can lead to another emigration wave by all of the laid-off workers. In the worst case scenario cities that rely solely on fish processing industry could just get abandoned and slow ly die out. In these circumstances European Union should get involved and allow protectionism in countries that get hit by the embargo the most. Then countries could announce that fifty per-cent of all the dairy, meat and fish products in the stores must be made in the local market. Therefore, the companies will no more have to sell their products barely for the cost or just throw them out. Of course, such action is outlawed by Article 34 TFEU for discriminating imports,[24] but in these times when companies are struggling because of the Russian embargo and European Union sanctions, and families are left without their main money provider, European Union should deal with the consequences of their actions and allow protectionism of the local goods. But these under-risk companies are not just simply waiting for something to happen. They are taking the matters into their own hands by unionizing. For example, in Latvia milk processing, meat and fish products producers unions have merged into a single one and it is called the Food Exporters Union. It is led by Didzis Smits (Schmits). He is responsible for lobbying Latvia’s sprats producing technology which is a great achievement. Food Exporters Union’s goal is to protect food producers interests and to make the dialogue with the government much easier. It will definitely help with obtaining new markets. The big target must be Asia. Establishing contacts with Asia is difficult for a single company, it would be expensive and time consuming. But that is a different case for a union. Currently Latvian food exports to China, added together with Estonian, that are our partners in business with China, only makes nineteen million euros.[25], [26] To accelerate the growth of t his number Latvian Minister of Agriculture Duklavs and Estonian Minister of Agriculture Padars are working together and are actively involved in talks with China. In such crisis situation Latvia should learn from Finland. Finland has been very efficient in reorienting their local companies, which export to Russia, to new markets. And that is because Finland has its own Minister of Export Development. Finland’s southern neighbors Estonia has already taken a lesson from Finland and in this spring appointed Minister of Export Development. Latvia should learn from their northern neighbors and after the next election which is this fall should appoint their own Minister of Exports. The winter of 2014/2015 will be one of the economically hardest winters in recent time. As it is clear that sanctions will continue, Latvia has to have a plan for companies to get through the winter. Latvia has to make strategic moves to let State capital flow into private companies, so at least some don’t go bankrupt. â€Å"Latvian Plywood† is a good example. â€Å"Latvian Plywood†, a private company, got saved by a States joint-stock company â€Å"Latvian State Forests†. By buying stocks in â€Å"Latvian Plywood† State saved one of the biggest companies in Latvia.[27] â€Å"Latvian Plywood† is now working with profit of eleven million euros and it’s 2013 turnover was 187 million euros.[28] Of course, a State should not be going around and saving companies everywhere. But in these circumstances such interference by a State is necessary. A State has to encourage producers to survive through these tough times and keep its workforce. For example, the money made in the sale of a Latvian bank â€Å"Citadele† could be invested into Latvian food producers companies, which would at least guarantee safety for food industry. Entering a new market Since Latvia has already started talks with China, they should concentrate specifically on Asia’s market. Latvia is such a small market so there should not be a problem with finding a place in Asia’s market for the Latvian struggling companies. China’s market China plays an important role in international trading system. And that should not be a surprise because Five years ago China was still the world’s third largest economy behind the United States and Japan[29], but now as it has consistently been in the top countries when it comes to economic growth[30] it has passed Japan and now is the world’s second largest economy with their GDP standing at about seven hundred and fifty billion euros, which is two times larger than Japan’s GDP.[31] Since the foreign exchange reform in 1994[32], China is continuously expanding its foreign exchange market. As they opened-up to the rest of the world after having reforms[33], China has witnessed a massive development of their economy.[34] In 2001 China joined the World Trade Organization. Such action made the Chinese market more opened up. As this membership did not give much advantage in their already conquered markets, it did open up a lot of new markets to China. After joining the World Trade Organization China removed restrictions on textiles and garments â€Å"†¦ which allowed China to become the largest exporter of clothing and textiles in the world as the labor-intensive sector capitalized on its comparative advantages of abundant labor.†[35] Right now China is developing their border policy, they are working on a quota and license free trade. After China joined the World Trade Organization, it has drawn the attention of more and more foreign investors. In December of 2013 Foreign Direct Investment reached more than nine hundred billion euros. For comparison, at the time they joined the World Trade Organization it was less than forty billion euros.[36] Another great thing about Chinese market is that 1.35 billion people live there, that is one fifth of the planet’s population. From the exporters hit by sanctions view China’s population is almost ten times larger than Russia’s. Asia’s largest country is very open to international trade. â€Å"Total Chinese trade (exports plus imports) amounts to 70 per-cents of its GDP, which compares to 37 per-cents in the United Kingdom and just 20 per-cents in the United States. China’s trade-to-GDP ratio is all the more remarkable given that one of the main determinants of this number is country size – large countries typically have low shares of trade in GDP (for example, the united States compared with the united kingdom)†.[37] Of course, it not all perfect, and there are things that scare people away from China’s market. Firstly, it is the often disputed matter at summits – China’s market access. Already there are firms that decrease the amount of their investments in China, and the main purpose of that is the limited market access. As the American Chamber of CommerceChairman Greg Gilligan put it We refer to market access barriers as one of the primary reasons for lowered investment,[38] he also added that Wi th slower growth, our member companies do not reflect less need for investment, but perhaps less need for investment based on the old economic model that was more reliant on exports and infrastructure spending.[39] Secondly, it is the imperfect legal system in China. They are in need of developments on laws that administer markets. China has been working on it since joining the World Trade organization. They already are trying to eliminate protectionism, which is common in China. One of the projects Asia’s largest country is working on is to give more freedom to foreign banks, because â€Å"Although foreign banks have operated in China for two decades, their role remains extremely limited. In 2005 they accounted for only two per-cents of Chinas total banking assets,†[40] and to add to that they have a one new branch per year restriction for banks. As a distant country with a neutral stance on Europe’s and Russia’s conflict they are taking advantage of such circumstances. After all of these waves of sanctions, there are a significant amount of large and not so large economies that are in trouble and in need of a new trading partner. Not finding one would mean a bankruptcy for large companies and people losing jobs. China is more than happy to welcome so many new trading partners. One might say that this is an ideal situation for China, because a significant amount of money that was previously flowing between Russia and Europe will now circulate in their market. One of the most talked about deals as a consequence of Russia- Europe conflict is a three hundred and fifteen billion euros natural gas contract between Russia and China.[41] For Russia the deal strengthened the relationship with China and in this situation when Russia’s relationship with the United States and Europe is worsening, Putin really needed this. By maintaining neutral position China can gain a lot more than it already has. Another beneficial thing for China from Ukraine’s invasion by Russia is the now much more tense relationship between Russia and the United States. [1] Anderson, Barbara A., and Brian D. Silver. Permanent and present populations in Soviet statistics. Volume 37, Issue 3 ed. Oxford: Routledge, 1985. [2] Russian Census 2010 final results. RIA Novosti. (accessed September 14, 2014). [3] Russian Federation. Data. (accessed September 14, 2014). [4] The Observatory of Economic Complexity. OEC: Russia (RUS) Profile of Exports, Imports and Trade Partners. (accessed September 14, 2014). [5] Russia Imports 1994-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Russia Imports. (accessed September 14, 2014). [6] Russia Imports 1994-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Russia Imports. (accessed September 14, 2014). [7] European Comission. European Union, Trade in goods with Russia. Trade. (accessed September 15, 2014). [8] Pressman, Jeremy. Warring friends alliance restraint in international politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008. [9] Euranet Plus News Agency English. EU on hold for new Russia sanctions. Euranet Plus inside. (accessed September 19, 2014). [10] European Comission. European Union, Trade in goods with Russia. Trade. (accessed September 19, 2014). [11] European Comission. Energy production and imports. Eurostat. (accessed September 19, 2014). [12] Russia Exports 1994-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Russia Exports. (accessed September 20, 2014). [13] Comission of the European Communities. ASSESSMENT REPORT OF DIRECTIVE 2004/67/EC ON SECURITY OF GAS SUPPLY. eur-lex. (accessed September 20, 2014). [14] Bawden, Tom. Fear over Russian gas switch-off sees EU states stockpile supplies. The Independent. (accessed September 20, 2014). [15] Germany Exports 1950-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Germany Exports. (accessed September 22, 2014). [16] Italy Exports 1991-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Italy Exports. (accessed September 22, 2014). [17] Netherlands Exports 1960-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Netherlands Exports. (accessed September 22, 2014). [18] LETA. Finansu ministrija: Krievijas sankciju ietekme uz Latviju bus meÂâ€Å"rena. Jaunaka s zin† as, komenta ri, petijumi, foto, video tiesraides, izklaide. (accessed September 25, 2014). [19] Dairy producer Valio begins layoff talks over Russian food embargo. Yle Uutiset. (accessed September 25, 2014). [20] â€Å"Food Union† plÄ no eksporta pieaugumu lÄ «dz 80%. PrioritÄ te – Krievija. Nepadodies krÄ «zei!. (accessed September 25, 2014). [21] SIA Baltijas KonsultÄ cijas . ZivrÃ…Â «pniecÄ «bas nozares attÄ «stÄ «bas stratÄâ€Å"Ä £ija 2009.-2013.gadam . Canned Fish. (accessed September 25, 2014). [22] Russian agency wants to ban EU canned fish imports. ITAR-TASS. (accessed September 25, 2014). [23] Salacgriva. Nodarbinatibas Valsts Agentura. (accessed September 25, 2014). [24] Craig, P. P., and G. BuÃÅ' rca. EU law: text, cases, and materials. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. [25]About us Latvia China Business Council. About us Latvia China Business Council. (accessed September 25, 2014). [26] Estonian official lauds potential for business with China.